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2019-05-24 来源: 环球时报 原文链接 评论4条


陆慷回应华为遭“断供”:心胸多大,天地就有多大(组图) - 1

(图 via 外交部网站)

Q: Recently there have been many reports that foreign companies are cutting supply to Huawei due to the US government's restrictive measures. Earlier reports say that British and Japanese telecom companies terminated or delayed cooperation with Huawei. But yesterday Germany's Infineon and Japan's Panasonic both clarified rumors and stated that they have not stopped supplying Huawei. British telecom operator EE reiterated that it will continue to use Huawei equipment in 5G development at home. Huawei spokesperson said that although some global partners have come under political pressures from the US, Huawei has every confidence in overcoming difficulties and retaining growth. What's your comment?


A: You may have noticed the recent interview with Huawei founder Mr. Ren Zhengfei that has won widespread praise at home and abroad. With its openness, resolve and magnanimity, Huawei has shown the world that a broad mind sees a vast world. 


The clarifications made by some of Huawei's cooperative partners, as you mentioned, show once again that no company will disregard its own interests and blindly follow the selfish political maneuverings of another country. In fact, with fresh memories of the Alstom precedent, most countries in the world have been on high alert to the US practice of using state power to oppress foreign businesses, disrupt market operations and thwart mutually-beneficial cooperation between other countries. 


China will continue its support for Chinese tech companies like Huawei in deepening global cooperation, which will not only enable companies to achieve win-win results, but also contribute to technological progress and economic development of the world. I would like to reiterate that we hope other countries will foster a fair, just, stable and predictable market environment for Chinese businesses to carry out investment, operation and cooperation, which will serve the fundamental and long-term interests of those countries as well.


陆慷回应华为遭“断供”:心胸多大,天地就有多大(组图) - 2

(图 via 外交部网站)

Q: Many reports say that Chinese high-tech companies like Huawei, Dajiang (DJI) and Hikvision are facing US restrictive measures on technology supply, which is widely viewed as an attempt by the US to exert pressure on China. At the same time, US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said that the US is open to new trade talks on the basis of previous negotiations and hopes China will come back to the negotiating table. Under current circumstances, how does China see the likelihood of continuing consultations?


A: We have noted relevant reports. As we stated repeatedly, our door is wide open for talks, but it takes sincerity to make a consultation meaningful. A good agreement must be based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. We hope the US actually means it when they say "coming back to the negotiating table”. 


The US, out of political purposes, has been employing state power to oppress Chinese tech companies without just cause. It has severely undermined global technological development and cooperation and taken a toll on the interests of businesses in relevant countries. Such moves will by no means win the endorsement and support from the international community. Apparently they are not conducive to creating a favorable atmosphere and environment for consultations, either. 


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