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2019-06-21 来源: 环球时报 原文链接 评论7条


6月17日,在《A Coffee With Ren》(与任正非喝咖啡)的活动中,任正非表示:在美国禁令的影响下,未来两年华为会减产,估计会下降300亿美元。

任正非:我不明白为什么美企天天要给白宫汇报工作(组图) - 1
图 via Huawei



“I don’t see that problem, because in the Chinese market, the consumer business has not seen a decline,” Ren said. “It’s just that there might be declines overseas. In the worst case, 40%, but now it’s less than 20%. And that kind of decline is also changing. As I look at the declines in the consumer business, that would be about 10% roughly, so it’s not that big. ”


“We are making adjustments internally so we project there might be a slowdown, but until yesterday’s report I didn’t see any slowdown,” Ren said. “And we don’t know what will be the growth by the end of the year. But we believe the $30 billion will be a very small thing.”


Huawei CEO downplays expected $30 billion revenue miss due to the Trump administration ban (via CNBC)



任正非:我不明白为什么美企天天要给白宫汇报工作(组图) - 2
图 via CNBC


“We don't have pressure on our shoulder and I think this time, this issue is a test for us. If we weather the storm, then we will get stronger. So, what doesn't kill you will get you stronger. In China, we say the phoenix will rise from the fire and the bird that doesn't get killed by the fire is phoenix. And we believe in this big fire will address this issue at our hand.”


CNBC Exclusive: CNBC Excerpts: Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei Speaks with CNBC’s Dierdre Bosa (via CNBC)


“Maybe even more. They can't-- for all these years, American suppliers have contributed to Huawei. If we do not buy from them when we can, then that will be a blame on our conscience. But however, we are not to blame. Now there is a restriction on us to buy from them. Actually, until today we're still placing orders to American suppliers. They just-- those suppliers have to ask approval from Washington. If they get approval, we can still buy from them. If they don't get approval, then we have to find other ways.”


CNBC Exclusive: CNBC Excerpts: Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei Speaks with CNBC’s Dierdre Bosa (via CNBC)



任正非:我不明白为什么美企天天要给白宫汇报工作(组图) - 3
图 via CNBC

“I don't know why an American company report to U.S. government all the time. We don't need to do that. We just pay the taxes.”


CNBC Exclusive: CNBC Excerpts: Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei Speaks with CNBC’s Dierdre Bosa (via CNBC)


关键词: 华为任正非美企
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
哆啦小向 2019-06-21 回复
“我不知道为啥美国公司要一直向美国政府汇报工作。【我们不需要汇报】,我们交税就够了。”)” ——哈哈哈哈哈,这脸打的,酸爽啊~~~!
ZHAPPY 2019-06-22 回复
华为不用报告 成来就是国家的
Leon 2018
Leon 2018 2019-06-21 回复
314倩 2019-06-21 回复
Yami翻爪爪 2019-06-21 回复

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