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2019-07-22 来源: 环球时报 原文链接 评论0条


梅毒淋病等性传播疾病在欧洲国家死灰复燃,原因是…(组图) - 1
(图 via Getty Images


The spread of syphilis in Europe is intensifying due to worrying trends in human behavior, the head of the HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections and viral hepatitis program at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Andrew Amato-Gauci, told RT.

欧洲疾病预防与控制中心(ECDC)艾滋病、性传播感染和病毒性肝炎项目负责人Andrew Amato-Gauci告诉《今日俄罗斯》,由于令人担忧的人类行为趋势,梅毒在欧洲的传播正在加剧。

Various factors play into the outbreak, such as “people having sex without condoms, multiple sexual partners and a reduced fear of acquiring HIV from condomless sex,” he said.


▲Europe faces ‘looming syphilis epidemic’ thanks to dating apps and reduced fear of HIV (via RT)

梅毒淋病等性传播疾病在欧洲国家死灰复燃,原因是…(组图) - 2
(图 via Getty Images


Certain countries have seen a surge of the sexually-transmitted disease, with Iceland ultimately becoming the ‘leader’, as the number of cases has grown by 876 percent there. Ireland follows with 224 percent growth, while Britain and Germany have both seen their syphilis rates more than double.


According to the ECDC, “men having sex with men” (MSM) made up around two-third of the cases reported between 2007 and 2017, where sexual orientation was known. Heterosexual men constitute 23 percent of the cases, and women, 15 percent.


▲Europe faces ‘looming syphilis epidemic’ thanks to dating apps and reduced fear of HIV (via RT)


Negligence towards safe sex by Icelanders and the visits by many foreigners have led to the country having the highest rate of syphilis and chlamydia in Europe, its top medic said, urging drastic measures to curb the crisis.


Iceland's chief epidemiologist Thorolfur Gudnason suggested that condoms should be distributed in Icelandic schools.

冰岛首席流行病学家Thorolfur Gudnason建议,在冰岛学校分发避孕套。

"There are a lot of people against this idea, many parents. But we need to have a thorough discussion about this and to do everything we can to stop the spread of these diseases, which can get very serious."


▲Iceland needs condoms in SCHOOLS: Doctor raises alarm on syphilis & chlamydia outbreak (via RT)

梅毒淋病等性传播疾病在欧洲国家死灰复燃,原因是…(组图) - 3
(图 via AFP


Gonorrhoea increased the most - by 26% to 56,259 cases, the largest number since 1978.


There were 7,541 cases of syphilis - a 5% increase on 2017.


The most commonly diagnosed STIs were:


  • chlamydia (218,095 cases, 49% of all new STI diagnoses)

  • genital warts (57,318 cases, 13%)

  • gonorrhoea (56,259 cases, 13%)

  • genital herpes (33,867 cases, 8%)





▲Sex diseases on the rise in England(via BBC)

梅毒淋病等性传播疾病在欧洲国家死灰复燃,原因是…(组图) - 4
(图 via BBC



There are reports that dating apps like Tinder and Grindr also contribute to the spread of the disease. Amato-Gauci pointed out that these services “may facilitate more sexual encounters, and with that transmission of STI [sexually-transmitted infections] like syphilis.” At the same time, different apps can be used for promoting disease prevention among users, he noted.


To reverse the spread of syphilis, the countries need to encourage people to use condoms “consistently,” as well as developing better screening and education programs, Amato-Gauci said.


▲Europe faces ‘looming syphilis epidemic’ thanks to dating apps and reduced fear of HIV (via RT)

梅毒淋病等性传播疾病在欧洲国家死灰复燃,原因是…(组图) - 5
(图 via Johannes Schmitt-Tegge / Global Look Press


Lorenzo Giacani, associate professor in the Departments of Medicine and Global Health at the University of Washington, told RT that the resurgence of syphilis in developed countries requires a robust response.


Among the most troubling trends in developed nations, he noted a “significant rise” in congenital syphilis rates, which means a greater number of cases in which the disease is transmitted to the fetus during gestation.


There is currently no vaccine for syphilis, but several research groups are working on developing one, including Giacani’s. He believes that “more could be done” by various European countries to develop it and study the problem.


▲Europe faces ‘looming syphilis epidemic’ thanks to dating apps and reduced fear of HIV (via RT)


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