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“病毒传播不分国家!” 澳华女网上请愿,吁航司停飞各疫区国并加强边检(图)

2020-03-01 来源: 今日澳洲App 评论49条

【今日澳洲3月1日讯】“病毒传播不分国家,我们首先要保证澳人的安全和健康!” 移民澳洲16年的华人Joey Zhang在网上发起请愿,呼吁联邦政府进一步加强入境检疫措施,防止新冠病毒在澳蔓延。

“病毒传播不分国家!” 澳华女网上请愿,吁航司停飞各疫区国并加强边检(图) - 1






1. 澳洲航司停飞疫情爆发国的航线。

2. 对所有从已知“感染国”入境澳洲的旅客、居民和公民强制隔离14天。

3. 授权边境执法官员检查入境人员的体温,如发现可疑人员,可采取特别措施,以此保证澳洲边境安全。对于入境澳洲的旅客、居民或公民,如果他们在过去几天去过已知的被感染国和地区,必须自我隔离14天。


4. 如果入境澳洲的人有发烧/呼吸道症状,应立即去医院检查和治疗。

5. 避免人群聚集或组织大型室内室外活动,活动日期应更改和推迟到疫情结束后。在接下来的几个月,澳洲似乎排满了各种文化娱乐活动和体育赛事。




Coronavirus knows no boundaries. Our duty is to keep Australia safe and healthy. Our actions can prevent the outbreak spreading further.

Up to now, As the disease sweeps through Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and many countries within those boarders slowly succumb to the Virus, the number of infected people is increasing day by day. We strongly believe there should be more preventative measures need to be taken before the virus spreads fast on Australian Soil.

Many of us, who are legal residents or citizens living in Australia, being fully aware of the danger of Coronavirus. We are all deeply concerned and urge the government to do more to protect our safety and health. As Australian citizens, we have to play our role in protecting the world from this deadly disease.

In many of these countries, there are some actions taken in place, such isolation or other preventative. Therefore, we are petitioning the Australian Government to response as blow:

1. Australian airlines cease offering flights to those infected by coronavirus.

2. Enforce a 14 days isolation period for any tourists, residents or citizens returning to Australia from a known ‘infected’ country.

3. Keep Australian border safe by empowering border officers to check the visitor’s temperatures and may impose special conditions should they see anyone suspicious. For tourists and residents or citizens enter the country, they must self-isolation for 14 days, preferably this be checked up by custom offices with follow up visits to the declared addressed in the custom declaration form, If they have been to those countries or areas as known infected, within the past days.  And later should they get a 14 days clearance letter from the local medical practice.

4. People landing with fever/respiratory symptoms, should go to hospital immediately to seek further medical attention and treatment.

5. Avoid big crowds and Large indoor or outdoor events or performances. These should be rescheduled and postponed to a date past the Convid-19. Australia seems to be busy and full on with different cultural events and sport activities for the next couple of months, very soon when Australia Winter is coming, there is inevitable n necessary to prevent from Convid-19 outbreak, Government needs some measures to warn people and self-protection act on it. Such as not going out to public with too many crowds in this intensive time when Coronavirus is not being under control. Wearing masks, when it is necessary to go out to the public activities. This action is not shameful, it can prevent people get sick from sneezing and hugging, kissing, and warn people to use hand sanitized, all the time to protect this virus from passing on others. In the meantime, people should cooperate with the government and take all precautionary measures available.

In conclusion, during this global health emergency, we sincerely request the Australian government to take some simple measures as above to keep Australia Safe and healthy, to respond to our voices, make decisive decisions and take immediate action to minimize the devastation already caused by Coronavirus.  It is the consideration of the best Interested for all Australians.

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(Ming Chen)

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