https://deloittehuayong.com.cn/zh.html 这个自称是德勤华永中国审计业务的网站于2023年3月17日发表了一份针对中国财政部顶格处罚的不认错声明。
《澳洲四大号外》注意到,该网站与一般德勤全球所惯用的www.deloitte.com拼写不同,用的拼写是deloittehuayong.com.cn. 而且其内容相对简陋。
经搜索,德勤中国审计业务的官网为https://www2.deloitte.com/cn/zh/services/audit-assurance.html?icid=top_audit-assurance 内容很详细。
No.1 疑似声明
No.2 英文
Firm Statement regarding MOF Administrative Penalty imposed on Deloitte Hua Yong in relation to historical audits of China Huarong
On 17 March 2023, the China Ministry of Finance (MOF) made a public announcement about administrative penalties against Deloitte Hua Yong ("We" or the "Firm") and its audit branch in Beijing, and the relevant signing certified public accountants in relation to its inspection of 2015 to 2019 audits of former client, China Huarong Asset Management Co. Ltd and certain of its subsidiaries (referred to “China Huarong”). To be clear, there is no suggestion by the MOF that either Deloitte Hua Yong, its Beijing branch, or any of its people have done anything unethical.
We have cooperated fully with the MOF throughout its inspection. We respect and accept the MOF’s penalty decision. We regret that, in this matter, the MOF considers certain aspects of our work fell below the required auditing standards.
We have received no information from China Huarong that there is any intention to make any prior period restatement to the company’s historic consolidated financial statements. No changes to the relevant audit reports have been found to be necessary.
Deloitte Hua Yong is always committed to compliance with auditing standards and to the highest standards of audit quality. In serving our clients, capital markets and the public interest, audit quality is the cornerstone of our business.