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2016-06-17 来源: 巧克力英语 评论3条


chocolate late ate hate mate gate lake laser lady lazy lay day may pay say way wake cake fake make made maker take bake baker bakery choke chop china chair chairman air fair hair pair stair airbus bus but bud gut get gum gun put pudding us up jeep peep people leap peel meal eel meat meet meeting eat even each much such must just most motor motorcycle motorbike bike Mike like jacket Jack jazz poker pocket ticket TV CD VCD USA ABC a about out our AIDS aid ail fail mail rail sail hail snail jail bail aim nail wail aspirin as ass lass class glass ask act at after pass passport mass auto automatic automobile Australia Austria all call also ball mall fall hall tall wall shall she he her him his have Dove love glove live give golf gulf fly fry try dry free tree train rain radar radio x-ray darling dark bar car scar Oscar sardine cartoon cart part park party mart smart cigar cigarette city gar garnish garlic cracker crack lack back crab crash cashmere cash mash cashier mere merely here where there their them this that these those then than they the though other with will ill pill well cool coffee fee coffin feet food good book noon copy come some hamburger ham am and an can burger bacon baby basic basin beer deer dear gear near hear ear year clear spear appear be before for or more morning me we my by see sea seem bikini brandy brand brand-new new New York Newton New Zealand Disneyland Ireland Scotland Poland Thailand Iceland ice-cream land England English engine engineer engineering ring bring spring Internet inter in into to do net nylon Olympic only on picnic picture pick pick-up O over vermouth mouth very vitamin sandwich sand whisky which what when one waltz yoga use you show low tow snow know how now nicotine tine time shampoo shame same pool poor soda so no not taxi tax toast t-shirt shirt fir first salad salary saloon balloon tango tank bank blank blanket thank think marathon daddy mammy many any mango man go woman wood Hollywood holy bible pie die diet lie ping-pong pizza quart romantic romance Roman room from McDonald Mr. microphone Microsoft soft microwave wave telephone saxophone typhoon phone fine mine pine find mind I hi hello Italy it its if of koala lychee Coca-cola coke Pepsi easy easily east 



chocolate 巧克力late迟 ate吃了 hate恨 mate伙伴 gate大门 lake湖泊 laser镭射 lady女士 lazy懒惰 lay放置 day天 may也许 pay 支付say说 way道路、方法 wake醒来 cake蛋糕 fake假的 make制造 made造出的 maker制作者 take拿、取 bake烤 baker面包师 bakery面包房 choke阻风门 chop块 China中国、瓷器 chair椅子 chairman主席 air空气 fair漂亮、公正 hair毛发 pair一对 stair楼梯 airbus空中客车 bus巴士 but但是 bud花蕾 gut内脏 get获得、变成、到达 gum口香糖 gun枪 put放 pudding布丁 us我们(宾格) up上 jeep吉普 peep窥视 people人民 leap跳 peel果皮、剥皮 meal一餐 eel鳗鱼 meat肉 meet会见 meeting会议 eat吃 even甚至 each每一 much非常 such如此 must必须 just正好 most大多数 motor马达 motorcycle摩托车 motorbike摩托车 bike 自行车Mike迈克 like喜欢 jacket夹克衫 Jack杰克、插孔 jazz爵士乐 poker扑克 pocket衣兜 ticket票 TV电视 CD  VCD  USA美国 ABC基础 a一个 about关于 out在外 our我们的 AIDS艾滋病 aid 帮助ail烦恼 fail失败 mail邮件 rail铁路 sail起航 hail下冰雹 snail缓行 jail监狱 bail保释 aim 瞄准nail 钉wail 嚎啕 aspirin阿司匹林 as与…一样 ass屁股、蠢驴 lass情人 class班级 glass玻璃、杯 ask问 act行动 at在… after在…之后 pass通过,通道 passport护照 mass群众 Auto汽车 automatic自动的 automobile汽车 Australia澳大利亚 Austria奥地利 all全部 Call呼叫、打电话 also也 ball球 mall购物中心 fall掉下 hall宅子 tall高 wall墙 shall将会 she她 he他 her她(宾格) him他(宾格) his他的 have有 dove德芙(鸽子) love爱 glove手套 live生活 give给 golf高尔夫 gulf海湾 fly飞 fry炸 try尝试 dry干燥 free自由 tree树 train火车 rain下雨 radar雷达 radio收音机 x-ray x射线 darling亲爱的 dark黑暗 bar酒吧 car小汽车 scar伤疤 Oscar奥斯卡 sardine沙丁鱼 cartoon卡通 cart大车 part部分 park公园 party派对 mart市场 smart聪明 cigar雪茄 cigarette香烟 city城市 gar鳝鱼 garnish装饰 garlic蒜 cracker克力架(薄脆饼干) crack劈啪声 lack 缺乏back 背、向后crab螃蟹 crash碰撞 cashmere开司米 cash现金 mash捣碎 cashier收银员 mere仅仅的 merely仅仅地 here这里 where哪里 there那里 their他们的 them他们(宾格) this这 that那 these这些 those那些 then在那时、因而 than比 they他们、它们、她们 the定冠词 though尽管 other其他 with和、一致 will愿意 ill病 pill药丸 well好、井 cool 酷coffee咖啡 fee费 coffin棺材 feet脚 food食品 good好 book书 noon中午 copy拷贝 come来 some一些 ham火腿 hamburger汉堡包 am(我)是 and和 an一个 can能够 burger各种夹饼 bacon熏肉 baby宝贝 basic基础的 basin盆 beer啤酒 deer鹿 dear亲爱的 gear齿轮 near近 hear听 ear耳 year年 clear清晰的 spear矛 appear出现 be是 before在  之前 for为了 or或者 more更多的 morning早晨 me我(宾格) we我们 my我的 by通过 see看见、明白 sea大海 seem似乎 bikini比基尼泳装 brandy白兰地brand牌子 brand-new崭新的 new新 New York纽约 Newton牛顿 New Zealand新西兰 Disneyland迪斯尼乐园 Ireland爱尔兰 Scotland苏格兰 Poland波兰 Thailand泰国 Iceland冰岛 ice-cream冰淇淋 land土地 England英格兰 English英语 engine引擎 engineer工程师 engineering工程 ring环 bring带来 spring春天 internet因特网 inter在…中间 in在 into进入到 to向 do 做net网 nylon尼龙 Olympic奥林匹克 only仅仅 on在…之上 picnic野餐 picture相片 pick拾取 pick-up皮卡、加速、起飞 O over结束、越过 vermouth味美思酒 mouth嘴 very非常 vitamin维他命 sandwich三明治 sand沙子 whisky威士忌 which哪一个 what什么 when何时 one一 Waltz华尔兹 yoga瑜珈功 use使用 you你、你们 show表演、展示 low低的 tow拖 snow雪 know知道 how如何 now现在 nicotine尼古丁 tine尖头 time时间 shampoo香波 shame羞耻 same相同 pool池子、泳池 poor贫穷 soda苏打 so如此 no否定 not不 taxi的士 tax税 toast土司 t-shirt T恤衫 shirt衬衫 fir杉木 first首先 salad色拉 salary薪水 saloon沙龙 balloon气球 tango探戈 tank坦克 bank银行 blank空白 blanket毯子 thank谢 think想 marathon马拉松 daddy爹 mammy妈咪 many许多 any任何的 mango芒果 man男人 go走 woman女人 wood木头 Hollywood好莱坞 holly bible圣经 pie派 die死 diet忌口 lie躺、说谎 ping-pong乒乓球 pizza皮萨饼 quart夸脱 romantic罗曼蒂克 romance罗曼史 Roman罗马 room房间 from来自 McDonald麦当劳 Mr.先生 microphone麦克风 Microsoft微软 soft软 microwave微波炉 wave波浪 telephone电话 saxophone萨克斯 typhoon台风 phone电话 fine罚、好 mine我的 pine松树 find发现 mind头脑、介意 I我 hi嗨!hello哈罗 Italy意大利 it它 its它的 if如果 of…的 koala考拉 lychee荔枝 Coca-cola可口可乐 coke可乐 Pepsi百事可乐 easy容易 easily容易地 east东 

在记忆英语单词的过程中,我们应当充分地发挥我们的想象力。除了像课文中,利用故事的方式记忆英语单词外,我们是不是还可以这样记单词:seem中包含有 see(看见) 和m, 那么,see“看”上去m “模” 糊的感觉是不是就是seem “似乎”呀?mango 中分明包含着man (男人)和 go(走),原来“芒果”是男人走路的意思呀!同学们,让你们的想象力在记忆英语单词的过程中自由地飞翔吧!



巧克力,迟,吃了,恨,伙伴,大门,湖泊,镭射,女士,懒惰,放置,天,也许,支付,说,道路、方法,醒来,蛋糕,假的,制造,造出的, 制作者,拿、取,烤,面包师,面包房,阻风门,块,中国、瓷器, 椅子,主席,空气,漂亮、公正,毛发,一对,楼梯,空中客车,巴士,但是,花蕾,内脏,获得、变成、到达,口香糖,枪,放,布丁, 我们(宾格),上,吉普,窥视,人民,跳,果皮、剥皮,一餐,鳗鱼,肉,会见,会议,吃,甚至,每一,非常,如此,必须,正好, 大多数,马达,摩托车,摩托车,自行车,迈克,喜欢,夹克衫,杰克、插孔,爵士乐,扑克,衣兜,票,电视,美国,基础,一个,关于,在外,我们的,艾滋病,帮助,烦恼,失败,邮件,铁路,起航, 下冰雹,缓行,监狱,保释,瞄准,钉,嚎啕,阿司匹林,与…一样,屁股、蠢驴,情人,班级,玻璃、杯,问,行动,在…,在…之后,通过、通道,护照,群众,汽车,自动的,汽车,澳大利亚,奥地利,全部,呼叫、打电话,也,球,购物中心,掉下,宅子,高,墙,将会,她,他, 她(宾格),他(宾格),他的,有,德芙(鸽子),爱,手套,生活,给,高尔夫,海湾,飞,炸,尝试,干燥,自由,树,火车,下雨,雷达,收音机,射线,亲爱的,黑暗,酒吧,小汽车,伤疤,奥斯卡,沙丁鱼,卡通,大车,部分,公园,派对,市场,聪明,雪茄, 香烟,城市,鳝鱼,装饰,蒜,克力架(薄脆饼干),劈啪声,缺乏,背、向后. 螃蟹,碰撞 ,开司米,现金,捣碎,收银员,仅仅的,仅仅地,这里,哪里,那里, 他们的,他们(宾格),这,那,这些,那些,在那时、因而,比, 他们、它们、她们,定冠词,尽管,其他,和、一致,愿意,病,药丸,好、井, 酷,咖啡,费,棺材,脚,食品,好,书,中午,拷贝,来,一些,火腿,汉堡包,(我)是,和,一个,能够,各种夹饼,熏肉,宝贝,基础的,盆,啤酒,鹿,亲爱的,齿轮,近,听,耳,年,清晰的,矛,出现,是,在…之前, 为了, 或者, 更多的, 早晨, 我(宾格), 我们, 我的,  通过, 看见、明白, 大海, 似乎, 比基尼泳装, 白兰地,牌子,崭新的,新,纽约,牛顿,新西兰,迪斯尼乐园,爱尔兰,苏格兰,波兰,泰国,冰岛,冰淇淋,土地,英格兰, 英语,引擎,工程师,工程,环,带来,春天,因特网,在…中间,在,进入到,向,做,网,尼龙,奥林匹克,仅仅,在…之上,野餐, 相片,拾、取,皮卡、加速、起飞,结束、越过,味美思酒,嘴,非常, 维他命,三明治,沙子,威士忌,哪一个,什么,何时,一,华尔兹, 瑜珈功,使用,你、你们,表演、展示,低的,拖,雪,知道,如何, 现在,尼古丁,尖头,时间,香波,羞耻,相同,池子、泳池,贫穷, 苏打,如此,否定,不,的士,税,吐司,T恤衫,衬衫,杉木,首先,色拉,薪水,沙龙,气球,探戈,坦克,银行,空白,毯子,谢, 想,马拉松,爹,妈咪,许多,任何的,芒果,男人,走,女人,木头,好莱坞,圣经,派,死,忌口,躺、说谎,乒乓球,皮萨饼,夸脱,罗曼蒂克,罗曼史,罗马,房间,来自,麦当劳,先生,麦克风, 微软,软,微波炉,波浪,电话,萨克斯,台风,电话,罚、好,我的,松树,发现,头脑、介意,我,嗨!,哈罗,意大利,它,它的, 如果,…的,考拉,荔枝,可口可乐,可乐,百事可乐,容易,容易地,东

巧克力英语教学实践证明:中学生的机械记忆力强,他们 完全能够在一周内默写出93个基础词汇,也完全能够在两周内默写出402个(其中包括93个基础词汇)逻辑词汇。成人在一周内可以默写出93个基础词汇,但难以在两周内默写出402个逻辑词汇。成人的机械记忆力减弱,但是,联想能力增强。



Chocolate, late (Sorry, I’m late.对不起,我迟到了。It’s never too late to go back to school.活到老学到老。) , ate (I ate noodles for dinner.我晚餐吃的面条。) , hate (I hate you! 我恨你!), mate(Good day, mate!你好,朋友!), gate, lake(Lakers洛杉矶湖人队), laser(Laser clinic激光诊所), lady(Lady first!女士优先!), lazy, lay, day(Have a nice day. 祝您愉快!), may (May I help you?我能帮您吗?), pay(No cure, no pay.无效退款。), say(I can say mandarin.我可以讲普通话。), way( Way to go! 加油!就这么做! Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。) , wake (Hi, wake up! 嗨,起床!), cake( That’s a piece of cake.小菜一碟。), fake, make, made(Made in China.中国制造) , maker, take (Take it easy.别着急。Take your time.慢慢来。) , bake, baker, bakery, choke, chop (meat chop肉块) , china, chair, chairman, air, fair (This is not fair.这不公平。) , hair, pair (a pair of shoes; 一双鞋; a pair of trousers.一条裤子), stair(upstairs and downstairs楼上楼下), airbus, bus (Bus stop 公交车站), but, bud, gut(Hello big guts!好大的胆子!), get (Get out! 出去!), gum, gun(gun down,用枪打倒; machine gun机关枪), put(Stay put待着别动), pudding (chocolate pudding 巧克力布丁), us (God help us! 愿上帝保佑我们!), up (It’s up to you.随你。Ups and downs.起起伏伏。) , jeep, peep (No peeping! 别偷看!to peep from behind the partitions; 从墙缝窥视) , people, leap (To think before you leap.三思而后行), peel (to peel the tangerine,剥橘子皮; to peel the banana.剥香蕉皮), meal (3 meals a day 一日三餐), eel, meat (meat ball肉丸子), meet (Nice to meet you! 见到您真好!), meeting (meeting room会议室), eat(Eat your heart out!伤心去吧!I’ll eat my hat if it is not going to rain.要是不下雨的话我都不姓张、王、李、赵等等。), even, each, much ( showing too much edge.锋芒毕露 ) , such, must, just ( just so so 马马虎虎), most, motor, motorcycle, motorbike, bike, Mike, like(Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。Like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女。) , jacket, Jack, jazz, poker (poker face; 不漏声色的人; maxipuke汉语拼音的意思是:马戏扑克;英语的意思是:恶心呕吐。) , pocket (pocket money零花钱) , ticket (rain ticket再给一次机会), TV, CD, VCD, USA, ABC(He is an ABC.他是澳洲(或者美国)出生的中国人。 ABC news.美国(或者澳洲)新闻), a, about, out (Out!出去! Out-and-out彻头彻尾) , our, AIDS, aid, ail, fail, mail, rail, sail, hail, snail, jail, bail, aim, nail, wail, aspirin, as (It is as obvious as the nose on your face.秃子头上的虱子。) , ass (ass kisser拍马溜须之人, Kiss my ass! 那儿凉快那儿待着去!), lass, class, glass, ask, act, at, after, (After you!您先!I am after a new house.我想买个新房子。), pass (bucks passer踢皮球的人; Bucks stop here.责任到此为止。), passport, mass, auto, automatic, automobile, Australia, Austria, all ( I am all ears.我洗耳恭听。I am all arms and legs.我笨手笨脚。), call (to answer the call of nature上厕所; call girl应召女郎), also, ball(ballroom舞厅, greasy ball老油条,greasy spoon街边小吃店), mall, fall (to fall in love at the first sight of her对她一见钟情。), hall (city hall 市政厅), tall (tall building高楼; high cloud高云), wall (Wall Street华尔街), shall, she, he, her, him, his, have(It has your name on it.给您量身定做的衣服。), Dove, love ( a hotshot in the field of love.情场高手。), glove (No glove, no love. 没有套,不要爱。), live(Long live people! 人民万岁!), give(Give way.让), golf (green, oxgen, light, friendship) , gulf(Gulf war海湾战争), fly(A big fly.一只大苍蝇。), fry, try (Good try! Nice try! 干得漂亮!), dry (dry red wine干红葡萄酒), free(free wifi免费宽带,free lunch免费午餐), tree(family tree家谱), train, rain (It rains cats and dogs.天下瓢泼大雨。), radar, radio, x-ray, darling, dark (dark market 黑市), bar ( stay behind the bars, 坐监狱), car, scar, Oscar, sardine, cartoon(cartoon show动画片), cart, part (car parts, 汽车配件), park, party, mart (K-mart; Wal-mart.), smart (smart phone智能手机), cigar, cigarette, city, gar, garnish, garlic (garlic bread 蒜香面包), cracker, crack, lack, back( I’ll back you up!我支持你!), crab, crash, cashmere(soft gold软黄金), cash (Cash and carry一手交钱,一手交货。Cash out?商店付款时收银员会问:取现金吗?), mash (mashed potatoes土豆泥), cashier, mere, merely, here, where, there ( Hi, there! 嗨,你好!), their, them, this (This is it!就这么着了!), that(That’s it for today.今天就到这里。), these, those, then, than, they, the (in a family way家庭方式, in the family way怀孕, out of a question没问题, out of the question没门, a student一个学生, students一些学生, the students全体学生), though, other, with (Are you with me?你能跟得上我吗?), will, ill(ill-treat虐待), pill (She is a pill.她是个泼妇。), well (well-to-do富有的), cool, coffee, fee ( gas fee煤汽费, water fee水费, electricity fee电费), coffin, feet, food (foodie吃货, gourmet、epicure美食家), good (Good luck祝你好运! Good fun好玩. good money 大钱; a  good solid year 整整一年时间; Good stunning 太漂亮了!  All good.一切都好!Good on you! 祝贺你!你真行!), book (To book a ticket订张票; To book a table for dinner订张晚餐桌子; bookkeeper出纳), noon, copy, come, some, hamburger, ham, am, and, an, can (To eat what you can and to can what you can’t能吃掉的吃掉,吃不掉的做成罐头; to do what you can and to take what you need各尽所能,按需分配), burger, bacon ( I smelled bacon警察来了.), baby ( baby tree树苗, baby fish鱼苗, baby spinach菠菜仔, baby-sitter保姆), basic, basin, beer, deer, dear, gear, near, hear, ear ( Go in one ear and out from another一耳朵进,一耳朵出.Let’s play by ear.咱们随机应变。), year, clear, spear, appear, be (To be or not to be, that’s the question生,还是死;这是问题.), before, for (Go for it!豁出去了!), or, more, morning, me (This is between you and me天知地知,你知我知.), we, my (my cup of tea我的爱好), by, see (Seeing is believing百闻不如一见.), sea, seem, bikini, brandy, brand, brand-new, new ( I am new我是新来的. A new broom sweeps clean新官上任三把火. Happy new year新年快乐.Newbie菜鸟), New York (Big Apple), Newton, New Zealand, Disneyland, Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Thailand, Iceland, ice-cream, land (mother land /father land,祖国), England, English, engine, engineer, engineering, ring ( finger ring戒指, ear ring耳环), bring, spring ( hot spring温泉, spring board跳板,four seasons of spring 四季如春), Internet, inter, in, into, to, do, net, nylon, Olympic(Olympic park奥林匹克公园), only, on(on the sly.偷偷地), picnic, picture, pick (pick holes, 吹毛求疵), pick-up, O, over ( It’s over.结束了。Don’t piss over the floor不要随地小便.), vermouth, mouth (watch your mouth! 言多必失!), very, vitamin, sandwich (sandwich generation上有老下有小; sandwich board挂在身上的广告牌), sand (a tray of loose sands一盘散沙), whisky, which, what (What is done is done生米熟饭、木已成舟), when, one, waltz, yoga, use, you (you,too! 您也一样!), show (talking show脱口秀; fashion show时装秀;show business演艺界), low (to keep a low profile保持低调), tow  (We will tow.违章停车将被拖走。),snow ( Snow white and seven dwarfs 白雪公主跟七个小矮人;snowy Christmas白雪皑皑的圣诞), know, how (Know how. 技术秘诀), now, nicotine, tine, time (Time is money. 时间就是金钱。Time is up时间到. Time is flying. Where did the time go? 时间真快), Shampoo (to shampoo one’s hair洗头, shampoo 3 in 1三和一洗发水), shame (Shame on you不要脸!), same, pool (swimming pool泳池; carpool拼车.), poor, soda (soda pop, juice soda汽水), so (So far so good到现在为止,一直都还不错! ) , no (No pain, no gain吃一堑长一智) , not, taxi, tax (tax payer纳税人; taxation office税务局) , toast, t-shirt, shirt, fir, first (Friendship first, competition second友谊第一比赛第二. First come, first served先到先得. Never be the first of the world不敢为天下先.), salad, salary, saloon (Movie saloon 电影沙龙;English saloon英语沙龙), balloon, tango, tank, bank ( bankrupt破产), blank, blanket, thank (thanksgiving感恩), think, marathon, daddy, mammy, many, any, mango, man, go, woman(womanly woman女人味的女人, womanly man娘泡), wood(woodpecker啄木鸟;rosewood 红木), Hollywood, holy bible, pie, die, diet (diet coke 无糖可乐), lie(Let a sleeping dog lie别惹是生非.),Ping-Pong, pizza, quart, romantic, romance, Roman ( When in Rome, do as Romans do入乡随俗.), room (bedroom, 卧室;living room, 客厅), from, McDonald, Mr.(She is waiting for Mr. right. 她等待着意中人的出现。), microphone, Microsoft, soft, microwave, wave, telephone, saxophone, typhoon, phone, fine, mine, pine, find, mind (Never mind! 没关系、不要紧!), I, hi, hello, Italy, it, its, if, of, koala, lychee, Coca-Cola, coke, Pepsi, easy (Easy come, easy go来的容易去的快.), easily, east (East ,west, home is best金窝银窝不如自己的草窝.)。
曲径通幽(meander to serenity),在这样的的学习道路上漫步,难道不是一种享受吗?


A: Do you have a car? 
B: Yes, I do. 
A: What kind of car do you have? 
B: I have a Sail. 
A: That’s a nice car. Where is your car? 
B: It’s in front of my house. 
A: Are you a driver? 
B: Absolutely. 
A: Does this Walkman belong to you? 
B: Yes, I think it does. 
A: How much does your Walkman weigh? 
B: It’s not so heavy. It’s small and light. I can put it in my pocket.


据说,山西王阎锡山经常听见蒋介石称宋美龄为达令(darling), 故在阎锡山见到宋美龄时也称其为:达令(darling)。 宋美龄听到后鼻子都要气歪了。而阎锡山还上前劝慰道:达令(darling)请不要生气。宋美龄当时就号啕起来。

第二课会话中一位先生的名字为John。可能是因为 John 是耶酥十二门徒之一的缘故,John这个名字在英美人士中极为普遍。有意思的是,在美国“嫖客改造班”被委婉地称为John School. 把嫖客称为John 是因为当妓女问客人叫什么名字时, 10个人中有9个报称自己叫“John”。

此外,John 还有厕所的意思。如果有人说:Peter went to John. 其意思绝对不是彼德去约翰那里了, 而是彼德去厕所了。

假如有位美国姑娘给你写了封 “Dear John” 信件, 那可不是什么好事, 在英语口语中,“Dear John letter” 是姑娘写给自己

今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
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