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2016-09-02 来源: 巧克力英语 评论0条

There used to be no Bell Tower at the center of Xi’an city before the Ming Dynasty, which was lasted from 1368 to 1644 A.D. It is very interesting that the tower was built because of superstition holding by the ancient people.

During the Ming Dynasty, a very bad earthquake happened in Xi’an and its surrounding area and destroyed many houses and killed many people. Both citizens and the mayor of Xi’an city were suffered terribly from that disaster. Having no knowledge at all about the reason of the earthquake, the mayor went to visit a great fengshui master and asked him for the reason of the earthquake.

“Well, Mr. Mayor,” answered the fengshui master, “the reason the earthquake happened in Xi’an city is that there is a huge dragon hidden underneath the city with its head resting on the slope just outside the north city gate and its tail at the center of the city. The earthquake happened whenever the dragon was shaking.”

“Would you please, master, tell me how to stop that dragon from shaking again?” the mayor requested.

“Well, in order to stop the earthquake, you have to fix the dragon first. And in order to fix the dragon, a tower must be built on the top over the ground where there is the dragon’s tail.”

The mayor took the fengshui master’s idea and went back to do what the master said.

To believe it or not, no bad earthquake ever happened again since the Bell Tower had been built at the center of Xi’an city, where there was the huge dragon’s tail underneath by the fengshui master.
Now the Bell Tower is still standing there as a remarkable landmark of Xi’an city reminding the tourists from all over the world of the marvelous Chinese ancient architecture. But who knows the story of the reason about construction of the tower? You think I am lying? Then why the village, on the slope just outside the north city gate, is still being called Dragon’s Head Village besides the fact that no bad earthquake ever happened after the Bell Tower had been finished?


There used to be no Bell Tower at the center of Xi’an city before the Ming 
Dynasty, which was lasted from 1368 to 1644 A.D. It is very interesting that the tower 
was built because of superstition holding by the ancient people.
During the Ming Dynasty, a very bad earthquake happened in Xi’an and its 
surrounding area and destroyed many houses and killed many people. Both citizens 
and the mayor of Xi’an city were terribly suffered from that disaster. Having no 
knowledge at all about the reason of the earthquake, the mayor went to visit a great 
fengshui master and asked him for the reason of the earthquake.
“Well, Mr. Mayor,” answered the fengshui master, “the reason the earthquake 
happened in Xi’an city is that there is a huge dragon hidden underneath the city with 
its head resting on the slope just outside the north city gate and its tail at the center of 
the city. The earthquake happened whenever the dragon was shaking.”
“Would you please, master, tell me how to stop that dragon from shaking again?” 
the mayor requested.
“Well, in order to stop the earthquake, you have to fix the dragon first. And in 
order to fix the dragon, a tower must be built on the top over the ground where there 
is the dragon’s tail.”
The mayor took the fengshui master’s idea and went back to do what the master
To believe it or not, no bad earthquake ever happened again since the Bell Tower 
had been built at the center of Xi’an city, where there was the huge dragon’s tail 
underneath by the fengshui master.
Now the Bell Tower is still standing there as a remarkable landmark of Xi’an city 
reminding the tourists from all over the world of the marvelous Chinese ancient 
architecture. But who knows the story of the reason about construction of the tower? 
You think I am lying? Then why the village, on the slope just outside the north city 
gate, is still being called Dragon’s Head Village besides the fact that no bad 
earthquake ever happened after the Bell Tower had been finished?


A: Will you do me a favor, please?  
B: Sure, what’s the matter with you?  
A: Would you mind mailing this letter for me? 
B: No problem, It’s a piece of cake. I’ll do it on my way to the school. By the way, could you lend me six dollars? 
A: No, I’m not a banker. 
B: That’s OK. Forget it. 
A: How far is it to the Tsinghua University?  
B: Oh, there is a long way to go if you want to go to that school.  
A: I know it’s very hard to go to that school, but I mean how many miles is it to that school. 
B: It’s about 2 miles. 
A: Which direction is it to the movie theater? 
B: Go that way for two blocks, and then turn left. You can’t miss it. 
A: Hi, John. You are wanted on the telephone. 
B: Hello, who is it? 
A: It’s me, Peter. I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Cratty.  Could you arrange it for me now, please? 
B: I’m afraid I can’t do it right now. Dr. Cratty is very tired. 
A: Do you have any idea why Dr. Cratty is so tired? 
B: He worked very hard all day today. Would you like to leave a message? 
A: No, thanks. I’ll call back later. 
B: If you have time, will you call him tomorrow? 
A: Oh, I can call him back any day except tomorrow.


汉语中的‘吃’在英语中叫‘eat’。我们中国人请客时,为了表示热情, 总会劝客人: 吃,吃,吃,放开吃!但是,将这句话翻给同桌就餐的英美人士时,决不可以说成:Eat, eat, eat, eat a lot! 为了表示热情,我们只需说:Enjoy yourself. Make yourself at home.就非常到位了。

我们中国人特别饿的时候会说:我都要饿死了。或者说:我饿得前心贴后心。同样的情形,美国人会说:I’m starving, I can eat a horse. 这跟前文的汉语表述有异曲同工之妙。

汉语中的食言,英语就是to eat one’s words. 字面和内容基本是表里如一的。在下面这段话中:One thing I do know something about—playing the stock market. And I’ll eat my hat if it doesn’t go up another three hundred points by the end of the year. (有一样东西我懂一些,那就是炒股。要是今年底股票价格不上涨300点的话,我就不姓黄。)  Eat one’s hat的意思就是:如果某人错了, 他就不姓张后不姓王等等。 

喜鹊用英文讲叫做magpie. 在汉语中喜鹊代表着吉祥,而在英语中magpie除了表示喜鹊鸟本身外,还表示饶舌之人。同样一件事物,在不同的文化之中含义有时迥然不同。乌鸦的英文词汇是crow. 英语中有to eat crow一说。但是,to eat crow的意思并不是吃乌鸦。to eat crow表示忍辱, 屈服; 丢脸; 被迫收回自己说的话; 被迫认错等等。

现在请读以下英文:“Hey, buddy, you know that girl in the English class you like so much, the one who won’t pay any attention to you? Well, eat your heart out, buddy—I’m taking her out for dinner and a movie Saturday night.”文中 eat your heart out是什么意思呢?是:把你的心吃出来吗?不是的,eat your heart out的意思是感到痛苦或沉痛;极度嫉妒、被嫉妒心苦苦折磨着。所以,以上英语短文的意思是:嘿!哥们,你知道英语课上你特别喜欢而又不理睬你的那个女孩吗?哥们,你难过去吧!周六晚上我要带她出去吃晚饭、看电影啦!


A: Will you do me a favor, please? 
B: Sure, what’s the matter with you?
A: Would you mind mailing this letter for me?
B: No problem, It’s a piece of cake. I’ll do it on my way to the school. By the way, could you lend me six dollars?
A: No, I’m not a banker.
B: That’s OK. Forget it. 
A: How far is it to the Tsinghua University?
B: Oh, there is a long way to go if you want to go to that school.
A: I know it’s very hard to go to that school, but I mean how many miles is it to that school. 
B: It’s about 2 miles. 
A: Which direction is it to the movie theater? 
B: Go that way for two blocks, and then turn left. You can’t miss it.
A: Hi, John. You are wanted on the telephone. 
B: Hello, who is it? 
A: It’s me, Peter. I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Cratty.  Could you arrange it for me now, please? 
B: I’m afraid I can’t do it right now. Dr. Cratty is very tired. 
A: Do you have any idea why Dr. Cratty is so tired?
B: He worked very hard all day today. Would you like to leave a message?
A: No, thanks. I’ll call back later. 
B: If you have time, will you call him tomorrow? 
A: Oh, I can call him back any day except tomorrow.


1 正确朗读、理解课文;
2 熟记课中的英语故事;
3 熟读日常会话。

白小琦《巧克力英语》第16课:钟楼的传说 - 1

作者白小琦,陕西省清涧县人,中国首支国家柔道队队员,教育学硕士学位,美国UCLA访问学者,Concordia College汉语及中国文化学分老师,现定居悉尼。

《巧克力英语》版权归作者白小琦所有,任何转载和私自下载存留的行为,需获白小琦书面授权。任何咨询事宜,请邮件至[email protected]



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