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都彭限量版007系列打火机S.T. DuPont limited edition 007 light

2021-08-05 来源: 搜狐 原文链接 评论0条

S.T. DuPont詹姆士邦德007系列 S.T. DuPont limited edition James Bond 007 series

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詹姆斯·邦德,传奇特工007,在第一部特工电影《诺博士》中便开始携带一样物件,绅士地游走在危险的火光之中,手中闪耀着永远不会磨灭的金光。那优雅流畅的线条,细腻入微的纹理手感,独一无二的艺术造型,都让007雅痞的气息展现的更加淋漓尽致,每一次法国都彭S.T. DuPont的出现,都彰显王者风范。

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2004年法国都彭公司(S.T. Dupont)从最著名的特工詹姆士邦德中汲取灵感,结合詹姆斯·邦德的枪支,著名的“ WALTER PPK”及其子弹,创造出结合了优雅和尖端技术的独特创新产品的卓越版本。

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此限量版由四个打火机(Line 2和Line 2小型)和两个Jerboam台式打火机组成,打火轮上带有时区功能。

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STDupont用一系列配件{三个带灯功能的钥匙圈,另一个带时区功能,两对袖扣和一个便签夹}和四件小型皮革制品为“ 007”绅士打造了完美的服装 以及007迷你圆珠笔。

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James Bond, the legendary Agent 007, began to carry an object in the first spy film Dr. Nuo, swam in the dangerous fire with an indelible golden light in his hands. The elegant and smooth lines, delicate texture, hand feel and unique artistic modeling all make 007 yuppie's breath more incisively and vividly. Every time S.T. DuPont appears in DuPont, France, it shows the king's style.

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In 2004, S.T. DuPont drew inspiration from the most famous agent James Bond and combined James Bond's gun, the famous "Walter PPK" and its bullets to create an excellent version of a unique innovative product combining elegance and cutting-edge technology.

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James Bond, the legendary Agent 007, began to carry an object in the first spy film Dr. Nuo, swam in the dangerous fire with an indelible golden light in his hands. The elegant and smooth lines, delicate texture, hand feel and unique artistic modeling all make 007 yuppie's breath more incisively and vividly. Every time S.T. DuPont appears in DuPont, France, it shows the king's style.

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This limited edition is made up of four pocket lighters {Line 2 and Line 2 small model}and two Jerboam table lighters with a time-zone function on the flint wheel.

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Along with these six lighters there is a wide collection of eight Olympio pens:two fountain pens and two large-model ballpoints,equipped with a laser pointer,while two ballpoints/propelling pencils and two miniOlympios have a time-zone function.

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The pocket lighters are numbered on 5007,the table lighters 707 and the pens 3007.

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S.T.Dupont completes the perfect panoply for the "007"gentleman with a series of accessories {three key rings with a lamp function,another with a time-zone function,two pairs of cuff links and a note clip}and four small leather goods,as well as a 007 mini-ballpoint.

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