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S.T. Dupont都彭限量版费诺里奥庄园

2021-08-15 来源: 搜狐 原文链接 评论0条

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法国都彭(S.T. Dupont)向来推崇艺术改革运动,特别是品牌的发源地法国,盛行于公共建设与私人豪宅上推动艺术再造。都彭以此为灵感于2013年推出限量建筑艺术系列,今年再以义大利都灵市(Turin)的新艺术风格古老建筑:费诺里奥庄园(Casa Fenoglio)为蓝图,打造限量打火机和笔具。

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从新艺术限量系列「费诺里奥庄园」的打火机、笔具上,可见庄园的窗户造型与象征大自然的水波、花卉、藤蔓等线条;品牌找来专业手工雕刻大师费德里克克里尔( Frederic Krill)手工雕刻,并由漆艺大师以特别研发的蓝色中国漆、复古棕中国漆上色,制作工序繁复细致,得耗时1个月方能完成,可见其珍贵。

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S.T. DuPont of France has always advocated the art reform movement, especially France, the birthplace of the brand, which is popular in public construction and private luxury houses to promote art reconstruction. Inspired by this, DuPont launched a limited architectural art series in 2013. This year, it will create limited lighters and pens based on the blueprint of CASA fenoglio, an ancient building with new art style in Turin, Italy.

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From the lighters and pens of the new art limited series "fenorio Manor", we can see the window shape of the manor and the lines symbolizing nature, such as water waves, flowers and vines; The brand found professional hand carving master Frederic krill to carve by hand, and painted with specially developed Blue Chinese paint and retro brown Chinese paint by lacquer masters. The production process is complex and detailed, and it takes one month to complete, which shows its precious.

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