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2021-08-22 来源: 搜狐 原文链接 评论0条

2008年都彭限量版打火机旺多姆广场 - 1


2008年都彭限量版打火机旺多姆广场 - 2

这个独特的限量版是由一个木质2打火机、两支奥林匹奥特大号笔、一支钢笔和一个滚筒和一个烟灰缸组成的。打火机和钢笔的编号是1810年,是指拿破仑建立文多姆的日期烟灰缸是810个数字中的一个。在奢华和精致方面更进一步,S.T.杜邦创造了一种罕见的独特的轻盈和笔触,镶有闪亮的白色钻石和粉红纯金零件。这个Ligne 2打火机和这只奥林匹欧特大号笔各限35支。

2008年都彭限量版打火机旺多姆广场 - 3

STDupont has been inspired by this mythical square,which today hosts shops owned by the most famous French jewellers,to create a new limited edition of exceptional products decorated with added metal parts,sum ptuous cornices,precious hematites and the subtle colour of grey lacquer,all set off by a luxurious palladium finish.Lighters echo the appearance of the buildings in the square,while pens reflect the column.Napoleon's famous quotation is engraved on the lighter's roller and on the body of the pen:"Impossible n'est pas francais"{nothing is impossible for the french}

2008年都彭限量版打火机旺多姆广场 - 4

This unique Limited Edition is made of a Lign e 2 light er,two Ol y mpi o Extra Large pens,a fountain pen and a rollerball,and an ashtray.The lighters and pens are numbered out of 1810,a reference to the date when Napoleon erected the Vendome Column.Ashtrays are numbered out of 810.Going further still in terms of luxury and refinement,S.T.Dupont has created a rare and exceptional lither and pen,set with sparkling white diamonds and pink solid gold added parts.This Ligne 2 lighter and this Olympio Extra Large pen are each limited to 35 pieces.

2008年都彭限量版打火机旺多姆广场 - 5

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