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CBN Friday Special丨China's 2023 growth highlighted by MNCs, foreign institutions

2023-03-03 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

Hello! Welcome to this edition of CBN Friday Special. I’m Stephanie Li.

2023 is the first year after the 20th CPC National Congress, which is widely seen as the opening year for China to execute the new blueprint, and also a key year of hard work, laying the foundation for a decade of economic and social development in the country.

With the annual two sessions about to kick off in the weekend, which are key events in China’s political calendar, the world is looking keenly for how the world’s second largest economy will form its economic policies to shape the nation in the new era as it merges from the COVID-19 pandemic.

While markets are worried about a slowdown in Western economies, China's growth is poised to pick up this year. Last month, Goldman Sachs raised its forecast for China's economic growth in 2023 to 5.5 percent from 5.2 percent previously.

The International Monetary Fund projected that China’s GDP growth target for 2023 will be set at 5.2 percent, as the country reopens to the world.

Moody's Investors Service recently lifted its forecast for China's real GDP growth to 5 percent for both 2023 and 2024, up from its previous projection of 4 percent for both years. Deutsche Bank raised its forecast of China's growth to 6 percent this year, up from 4.5 percent in its previous estimate.

Robin Xing, chief China economist at Morgan Stanley, predicted that China's economy will expand 5.7 percent year-on-year in 2023, contributing to around 40 percent of global economic growth.

Being bullish about the long-term growth prospects of the Chinese economy and the potential of its huge consumer market, a number of multinational companies, have recently said that they plan to continue to expand their business in China this year.

Last year, McDonald's opened 700 new outlets in China. The leading global food service retailer plans to open 900 more this year, more than doubling the number it plans to add in the U.S.

Meanwhile, coffee giant Starbucks said its store count on the Chinese mainland is expected to grow to 9,000 by 2025, providing 35,000 new jobs. "I remain more confident than ever that we are still only in the early chapters of our growth story in China," Starbucks's interim Chief Executive Howard Schultz was quoted as saying.

Luxury brand Coach's parent company, Tapestry, also deepens its push into China. The company set aside $325 million for capital and software spending, and roughly half will go to new stores and renovations in China.

Packaged-meat company Tyson Foods previously said six new plants will come online this year, half of which will be in China. Jim Snee, CEO of Hormel Foods, said the company plans a significant expansion in China to come online in 2024.

British-Dutch consumer goods company Unilever is marking the 100th anniversary of its entry into the Chinese market this year. The company plans to continue to increase investments in China.

Top executives from an increasing number of big-name multinational companies are planning to visit China in March, highlighting the significance of China in multinational companies' business plans, particularly amid subdued global economic prospects.

Multinationals that have confirmed such visit plans include US-based industrial conglomerate Danaher Corp, UK pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and France's L'Oreal Group.

Volkswagen AG's chief executive visited China from late January to early February, while Apple CEO Tim Cook and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla are expected to visit soon. Ola Källenius, Mercedes-Benz Group AG's chairman, is also planning a visit to China.

Some executives are looking to meet managers, local business partners and visit local site operations, while others are expected to attend business conferences in China that are planned for the coming months after the optimized COVID-19 response measures.

Top executives weighing a visit to the China Development Forum in Beijing include Apple CEO Tim Cook, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, and top Australian miner Rio Tinto's CEO.

Meanwhile, the Boao Forum will draw top business leaders from other countries, including Andrew Forrest, executive chairman of Fortescue Metals Group, the world's No.4 iron ore producer.

Meanwhile, foreign commerce chambers in China have strong expectations for this year's annual two sessions, expressing confidence in China's economic growth in 2023 and eyeing greater opportunities from Chinese modernization.

Michael Hart, AmCham China president, said on Wednesday that the chamber is looking at China's policy direction as leading positions at state institutions are confirmed, while it is also interested in a number of reform policies guiding the financial, internet and industrial sectors.

Probably half a dozen US companies have said their CEOs are going to visit this spring, according to Hart.

Most foreign companies consider China an important investment destination, and the nation continues to post higher returns on investments compared with the global levels, according to a survey by AmCham in South China.

More than 90 percent of the respondents selected China as one of their most important investment destinations. Around 75 percent plan to reinvest in China in 2023, including 68 percent of US companies that are determined to dig deeper into the Chinese market.

The survey also shows that China can provide a high return on investment, or ROI, with 76 percent of the companies reporting a positive overall ROI in China and 49 percent considering their overall ROI in China to be higher than their global benefits.

The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade said last week that 98.2 percent of the 390 foreign companies and business chambers in China that were recently surveyed have expressed confidence in China's economic development in 2023.

During the two sessions, China's economic policy priorities for the year and beyond are usually widely discussed, which offers foreign businesses a window into potential opportunities. This year, it is widely expected that the government is likely to launch a pro-growth economic agenda, which could translate into preferential industry policies and increasing market access. Thus, China’s efforts to further open up its market are also in focus.

Thanks to the country's ongoing fast economic recovery, constantly improving business environment, complete industrial and supply chains and other favorable factors, multinationals' confidence in the Chinese market is steadfast.

During a meeting with Michel Doukeris, chief executive of the world's largest brewer Anheuser-Busch InBev on February 24, Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao reaffirmed China's resolve on opening-up at a higher level. Doukeris said the group pays close attention to the Chinese market, and his visit to China will shore up the group's confidence to ramp up investment in China.

China is a market foreign enterprises must go to, and the country will further strengthen efforts to retain and attract more high-quality foreign investment, the minister said on Thursday.

Attracting and utilizing more foreign investment will be "a key task" this year, Wang said, adding that the country will make greater efforts to promote investment, improve services, expand opening-up and optimize the business environment, in order to retain high-quality foreign investment and attract more foreign investors.

Wang vowed that the ministry and other central government departments will conduct research and roll out policy measures to ensure foreign enterprises have equal access to those opportunities.

The ministry will also initiate a "Year of Investing in China" program, which will include a series of foreign investment promotional events and activities at home and abroad.

According to the commerce ministry, the actual use of foreign capital on the Chinese mainland hit 127.69 billion yuan ($18.65 billion) in January, up 14.5 percent year-on-year. Last year, foreign direct investment in China remained stable and rose by 8 percent to $189.13 billion.

China's economy is showing signs of a stronger rebound in recent months, with manufacturing sector posting its biggest improvement in more than a decade, service sector climbing and the housing market stabilizing, providing a positive note for the two sessions.

The manufacturing PMI rose to 52.6 last month, official data showed Wednesday, the highest reading since April 2012. A non-manufacturing gauge measuring activity in both the service and construction sectors improved to 56.3. Both indexes beat economists' expectations.

Other data has signaled a pickup in domestic demand. China's home sales rose in February from a year earlier, the first such increase since June 2021 as policymakers expanded support for the sector.

Top leaders in China have pledged to prioritize growth this year, placing an emphasis on the role that domestic demand will play in driving the recovery.

China's finance minister Liu Kun said Wednesday that the economy is expected to recover this year, leading to increased fiscal revenue. Central bank governor Yi Gang said on Friday that China will work to consolidate the benefits of lower interest rates for the economy and will maintain reasonably ample market liquidity to support economic recovery.

As another sign of confidence in China, foreign financial institutions are racing to expand their operations. The amount of "northbound capital" - foreign money flowing into China's A-share market through Hong Kong - exceeded 150 billion yuan in the first two months of 2023, with that of January hitting a historic high of over 140 billion yuan.








摩根士丹利从5%上调至5.7%,高盛集团从4.5%上调至5.5%,野村证券从4.8%上调至5.3%。惠誉国际评级(Fitch Ratings)是最近一家上调预测的机构。该公司预计中国2023年国内生产总值(GDP)将增长5.0%,远高于其先前估计的4.1%,理由是消费和制造业复苏快于预期。近日,德意志银行中国债务资本市场主管方中睿(Samuel Fischer)表示,德银看好今年中国市场的整体表现,将其对中国经济增速的预测从4.5%调高至6%。




1月底,大众汽车首席执行官奥博穆(Oliver Blume)对中国进行了5天的访问。大众公司表示,此次访问“是向我们在该地区的合作伙伴发出的一个非常强烈的信号,明确了中国市场对我们的重要性”。

与此同时,苹果公司首席执行官库克和辉瑞公司首席执行官艾伯乐(Albert Bourla)预计将在下个月访问中国。梅赛德斯-奔驰集团董事长康林松(Ola Källenius)也计划近期访问中国。对于许多跨国公司高管而言,这将是自新冠疫情暴发以来首次访问中国。













Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委: 于晓娜






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