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CBN Friday Special丨“Ports stacked up with empty containers” hype misses big picture of China’s trade

2023-03-25 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

On a warm Thursday morning, three ships docked at the terminal at the Nansha port in South China's Guangzhou city, unloading multi-colored containers to a queue of trucks, as the everyday bustle and hustle at the port continues as usual.

Shen Jiayu, deputy director of Business Development of Guangzhou Port Group at the Nansha Port terminal, busily moved among the fleet of trucks and guides the traffic flow through an intercom.

According to Shen, shipping container business of Guangzhou Port Group maintained stable growth in 2022, with the volume of containers exceeding 10 million TEUs for the first time, up by 4.3 percent year-on-year. In February, Guangzhou Port's container throughput was up about 14 percent from a year ago, while cargo throughput jumped 13%.

The buzz at Nansha port, China's fifth-largest port in terms of cargo throughput, offers an unmistakable and resounding sign that mirrors the vigor and resilience of the country's trade sector, amid the backdrop a global economic downturn.

However, as China, the world's largest manufacturing powerhouse, revs up its economic engines after the conclusion of the Spring Festival holidays, certain Western doomsayers have been making kneejerk exaggerations about headwinds faced by China's foreign trade, citing "piled containers" as indicative of overseas order freeze that could cloud the growth prospect of the world's second-largest economy this year.

The increasing number of empty containers is a result of the excessive containers which were released to the market previously, the low cost of storing containers at Chinese ports, and the quick short-term return of empty containers after the easing of COVID-19 pandemic in the world, Yu Jianhua, head of the General Administration of Customs (GAC) told a press conference on Monday.

“The growing number of empty containers piling at the ports reflected that the global market remains optimistic about China's export capacity,” Yu said.

The number of containers for export has been rising since late February, Yu added, addressing recent reports of empty containers piled at Chinese ports that have sparked concerns over trade.

Yu’s points are echoed by industry insiders, as the idle containers at the port are just part of a "normal market adjustment" as there has been a glut in containers at the port after global supply chains saw a return to normalcy at the beginning of the year.

In Ningbo's Zhoushan port, the world's largest port in terms of annual throughput in East China's Zhejiang Province, empty containers are kept within a "reasonable level" and do not affect the normal operation of the port, an official of the container center at the port said.

The January-February period is traditionally a slow season in foreign trade, and idle containers are noticeable on the yards outside the terminal. However, the stockpile is totally market-driven, and it has nothing to do with what some media sources claimed was a drastic dip in the export business, the Shandong Port Land-Sea International Logistics Group said.

In the past three years of epidemic outbreak when supply chain was fractured, China had been the key supplier of the world and global shipping companies were all heading toward China to ferry goods, which led to a sudden spike in container demands in the country.

Also, due to skyrocketing shipping rate and lingering port congestion in Europe and the US, most global shipping companies prioritize efficiency to pocket as much profit as possible, choosing to return to China without containers as they cannot wait the lengthy time of containers offloading and reloading, which also exacerbated the container supply shortage. As such, containers were churning out in bulk to meet the soaring demands.

As global production stabilizes this year, it is reasonable that containers are oversupplied, and some of them return to Chinese ports this year based on universal shipping rules, as China is the place where vast container vessels departed.

Also, compared with fees charged by ports in Europe and the US in placing idle containers, those at Chinese ports are more "competitive" in prices and some of them also provide additional discounts if the cargo throughput of shipping firms "reaches a certain level," another draw to shipping companies.

Meanwhile, trade connectivity between China and Southeast Asian economies has been maintaining steady growth momentum in 2023, about a year after the implementation of the RCEP trade agreement, with fresh port data mirroring a deeply integrated industrial chain among Asian countries and an increasing pivotal role China plays in facilitating an orderly global supply chain.

Betting on the potential opportunity, shipping and port companies have been mulling over plans to open more customized sea freight routes, and Southeast Asia conspicuously is a focus this year

For example, Qingdao port has opened about 100 shipping routes with Southeast Asia to date out of the total 220 routes, as the Southeast Asian bloc is now the biggest trading partner of Qingdao port with 20 percent of market share, a vivid display of the irreplaceable position China plays in global supply chains - buoyed by its extensive rail and sea network, its manufacturing prowess and a price edge.

The rise was in line with a broad expansion in China's trade with other RCEP members. In 2022, the trade value reached 12.95 trillion yuan ($1.88 trillion), up 7.5 percent year-on-year, accounting for 30.8 percent of China's total foreign trade, according to data from the Ministry of Commerce.

Faced with softening external demand, geopolitical and economic shocks and fierce competition from countries such as Vietnam and India in the area of low-end production over the past three years, Chinese export industry did not just sit idle. Business owners and local commerce officials have been taking the initiative in expanding businesses, flying around the global to look for new business opportunities, as soon as China eased its Covid curbs on outbound travels late last year.

Chinese manufacturers — especially those from coastal provinces such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong — have been boosting their presence at international expos and expanding market channels in emerging markets to drive sales overseas this year.

For instance, Jiangsu plans to support its exporters in participating in 206 overseas business exhibitions, including the International Sourcing Expo (Australia) in Sydney in July and Manufacturing World Osaka in Japan in October this year.

To help its companies seize more orders in overseas markets, the government of Wenzhou, an export hub in Zhejiang, is offering subsidies to encourage its companies to take part in overseas trade fairs this year. It has set a goal to help more than 300 exporters participate in more than 50 exhibitions abroad in the first quarter.

Authorities in Shandong, as well as other major manufacturing bases, have also been organizing chartered flights to Southeast Asia, Europe, Japan and South Korea since late December 2022, helping local foreign trading firms snap up more overseas orders. Such trips have achieved fruitful results.

While reaching out for new deals, some export-oriented firms are working on upgrading their own competitiveness by moving upstream of the supply chain.

Liu Jianbo, chairman of Dongguan Yaqi Clothing Co., LTD., said that the current clothing export accounts for 30 percent of the company’s orders, and the focus of the company's main business has been transformed into an international OEM providing supply chain services and management, that is, from commodity design to production and manufacturing, quality control, logistics and transportation to cooperate with international brands.

Liu said that the company's export business is now focusing on developing high-end manufacturing products, as well as supply chain services for cross-border e-commerce companies. "Under the business innovation, the export order volume in the first quarter of this year is relatively stable,” he said.

Export-oriented firms that are facing problems are often those in the lower-end of the industrial chain, industry insiders pointed out, and the competition will then force them to carry out technological upgrades.

Throughout 2023, Chinese port authorities and traders have acknowledged immense downward pressure, yet they all voice optimism about the future, vowing a "full-throttle mode" that analysts said is set to channel a new dynamic to propel global growth.

Despite the external challenges and complex factors, China has retained its overall competitiveness in foreign trade, and China's economy is expected to regain impetus this year which will aid trade, said Yu, adding that the GAC is confident in achieving the set trade target for 2023.











“然而,我们也要看到积极乐观的一面。前两个月,在经营主体方面有更多企业进入外贸领域,海关新备案外贸经营主体4.6万家,说明大家的信心在积聚、恢复。在订单方面,根据我们跟踪监测,新增出口订单金额增长企业比重连续提升。在新动能方面,电动汽车、锂电池、太阳能电池“新三样”合计出口增长六成。大家关注的跨境电商进出口增长15.8%。在贸易多元化方面,我国对“一带一路”沿线国家进出口增长超过10%,对RCEP其他成员合计进出口增长超过3%,” 俞建华说。











Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委: 于晓娜






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