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MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best”

2023-05-04 来源: 直播吧 原文链接 评论0条

直播吧5月4日讯 在2023MSI入围赛第二日的首场比赛中,BLG 2-0战胜R7,喜迎开门红。赛后官方分享一组返图。

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 1

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 2

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 3

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 4

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 5

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 6

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 7

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 8

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 9

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 10

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 11

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 12

MSI取首胜!BLG赛后返图:“I think our team is the best” - 13

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