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更新时间 2024-06-30 浏览量 845次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 鼎盛投资 ( Central Capital Group )
工作性质 合同工
经验要求 需要
学历要求 不限
签证要求 永居签证,澳洲国籍
性别要求 不限
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 团队友善,扩大人脉,成长空间
联系人 湘竹
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公司简介 鼎盛投资集团简介 鼎盛投资集团,为成百上千的投资者,发展商,投资基金提供了大量极具潜力的投资物业和投资项目。 鼎盛集团与澳洲的大发展商,如:Meriton, Mirvac, Crown, Bilbergia, Australand等,有着密切合作,为澳洲境内和海外的投资者,按需选购具有良好社区配套的高尚现代公寓。并提供法律,贷款,以及物业管理等一条龙服务。 应大量发展商的需要,鼎盛集团在澳洲本地,特别是悉尼地区,不断地为他们提供小,中,大各个规模的发展土地咨询服务。建筑种类有别墅,联排别墅,公寓等,资金规格从几百万,几千万,甚至上亿澳元。其中,还为发展商提供,项目前期评估,建筑商招标,施工监管,物业的市场开发,零售包销等。 随着,中国对澳洲的农业产品的需求增大,鼎盛集团为有兴趣投资澳洲农场的个人,团体和基金,物色了充足的农场投资资源,包括,葡萄,大米,小麦,棉花,牛,羊,海鲜等。资金规格从几百万,几千万,甚至上亿澳元。 近来,华人投资者成为近30年来,澳洲商用物业的主要买家,投资对象包括商场,商用楼宇,酒店,酒店式公寓等。鼎盛投资集团的投资专家团队,针对这一市场需求,为有这一需求的个人,团体和基金,精心挑选了相关的商用物业,包括酒店式公寓,5星级豪华度假村,大型购物商场,商业办公楼等。 Central Capital group Central Capital Group has serviced hundreds Chinese and local buyers since 2010, helped investors to buyer hign growth property and project. We are the agent of Meirton, Mirvac, Crown, Bilbergia etc. selling the luxuary apartment, also we help the buyer to buy the valuable apartment in small and middle size project in Parramatta, Granville, Guildford, Marryland, Homebush etc. We provide one stop service, assist the buyer in legal, mortgage and property management, so the local and overseas buyer have no worries when buying the property from us. Because there are more and more investors interested in development sites, we start to help them to buy different types of development sites, including house, townhouse, apartment, from few million to hundreds million. We are professional in property resale, this helps the developer to complete the presale for the construction loan approved from the bank. This gives our investors a peace of mind when they invest in development sites. we started selling house and package in western Sydney high growth area, eg. Schofields, Rouse Hill, Edmendson Park, Glenfield, Werrington, since the middle of 2014. We have sold hundreds of houses since then.


【鼎盛招聘】 如果你有丰富的行业工作经验,有地产牌照,想有更大的发展空间,请加盟鼎盛投资团队!这里有充足的房源,全面的培训,良好的工作环境,完善的晋级制度。欢迎致电0425254769,或发邮件至 [email protected],或添加微信 shaoi1234
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