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Travel Consultant Product Coordinator

更新时间 2024-07-02 浏览量 517次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Rick Carson Partners
工作性质 全职
学历要求 不限
签证要求 永居签证,澳洲国籍
工资水平 面议 / 年薪
工作亮点 团队友善,扩大人脉,成长空间
公司地址 Town Hall
联系人 Chris
联系我时请说明是在 今日霍巴特看到的,谢谢!


A successful and growing accounting firm focusing on accounting/tax, business advisory and strategy planning is seeking an experienced receptionist/office administrator to join the young and dynamic team.


• Liaising with the team located in China over the phone, email, WeChat or QQ to discuss clients travel requirements.
• Negotiating the best possible contract rate with Suppliers such as hotels, attractions, restaurants, coaches, etc.
• Organizing travels from beginning to end, through booking tickets and accommodation, securing rental transportation etc.
• Making and confirming bookings with suppliers through email, GDS, online system or phone calls.
• Accessing in house booking system to record, review or modify bookings
• Modifying existing bookings to suit a change in clients’ circumstances.
• Maintaining relationships with suppliers such as hotels, attractions, coaches, restaurants, tour guides, tour leaders, customers, etc.
• Researching destinations and keeping up to date with travel industry news.
• Ongoing training with other team members and management
• Perform ad hoc duties as requested by the Director.
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