截图via ITV News
Bangladesh's Foreign Minister has told ITV News that Shamima Begum is not his country's problem.
Abdul Momen said if she did go to Bangladesh after being stripped of her British citizenship she could be hanged for terrorism.
"We have nothing to do with Shamima Begum. She is not a Bangladeshi citizen," he said.
"She never applied for Bangladesh citizenship. She was born in England and her mother is British."
"If anyone is found to be involved with terrorism, we have a simple rule, there will be capital punishment. And nothing else."
"She will be put in prison and immediately, the rule is, she should be hanged."
Bangladesh's Foreign Minister tells ITV News Shamima Begum is 'not our problem' (via ITV News)
阿里强调,孟加拉国对恐怖主义“零容忍”(zero tolerance),并且是“消灭恐怖分子的典范”(model in eliminating all terrorists)。同时,孟加拉国也支持所有其他国家制止恐怖主义的蔓延。
截图via ITV News
截图 via ITV News
截图 via ITV News
Bangladeshi law includes a right of “citizenship by descent” to anyone who is born to a Bangladeshi parent.
"Once they reach the age of 21 that citizenship lapses unless they actively seek to retain."
Shamima Begum will not be allowed here, says Bangladesh (via the Guardian)
这么说来,19岁的沙米玛申请孟加拉国籍是有理有据的。但是孟加拉外交国务部长沙赫里亚尔·阿拉姆(Shahriar Alam)随即措辞强硬地回应道:沙米玛非孟加拉公民,也从未向孟加拉申请过双重国籍。
“The government of Bangladesh is deeply concerned that [Begum] has been erroneously identified as a holder of dual citizenship,” Shahriar Alam, the state minister of foreign affairs, said in a statement issued to the Guardian, adding that his government had learned of Britain’s intention to cancel her citizenship rights from media reports.
“Bangladesh asserts that Ms Shamima Begum is not a Bangladeshi citizen. She is a British citizen by birth and never applied for dual nationality with Bangladesh … There is no question of her being allowed to enter into Bangladesh.”
Shamima Begum will not be allowed here, says Bangladesh (via the Guardian)
"I wasn't born in Bangladesh, I've never seen Bangladesh and I don't even speak Bengali properly, so how can they claim I have Bangladeshi citizenship," she said.
Shamima Begum will not be allowed here, Bangladesh says (via BBC)